What makes Christianity the true or right religion?

The Question: What makes Christianity the true or right religion? Or why should or would someone choose Christianity over all the other religions?

This is a popular question directed at Christian’s, usually as part of a: “Christianity is fine but it’s not the only thing out there, other things are fine too as long as they aren’t hurting anyone. Who are you to say you are ‘right’ and other’s are ‘wrong’? You are a bigot and need to learn to have an open mind and be accepting of others.” Type of statement or argument, or something similar to that.

Well first off (I feel like I constantly say this) lets go straight to what the Bible actually says about judging others; which in a nutshell is that as a Christian we are not to. So keeping in mind that it has nothing to do with being ‘accepting’ of others or judging or having an open mind, lets look at the actual question.

What makes Christianity the true or right religion? This question indicates for one, that there is a true or right religion. So we need to continue exploring the answer with the pretense that there are indeed false religions and that there is one true religion.

Before we proceed though let me just touch briefly on that, as a common belief in society today is one of tolerance and acceptance of anything (anything not too extreme that is), and that everything is okay (unless it’s too extreme) and as such there isn’t ‘right’ or ‘wrong’ religion or spiritual belief, etc.

This site has a good, brief explanation of why there is one true and other false religions. Without going too much in depth, the bottom line here is that every religion cannot be ‘true’ because they contradict one another. If you believe in subjective truth and morality then there really isn’t any point in proceeding further as that would mean there isn’t any real truth or morality to begin with so nothing really matters. On that note, there are a number of good articles and videos about subjective morality and why it doesn’t make sense: here, here and here to list a few.

But lets continue with the knowledge that truth is not subjective, but is absolute. If truth is absolute, then as mentioned previously there cannot be multiple ‘true’ religions (unless we are talking about the same ‘religion’ that may be known by different people under a different name). So what makes Christianity (by Christianity we are talking about the God of the Bible and His followers) the ‘true’ religion vs. all the others?

Dr. Ravi Zacharias has some excellent thoughts on this topic, here is a part of one of his conferences where he addresses this question. He mentions that all religions must be judged as truthful (empirically or through logical reasoning) based on origin, meaning, morality and destiny, and that all those four areas must correspond with each other and be coherent. Christianity is the only religion where this happens. Here, here and here are articles that explain and discuss Dr. Zacharias’s thoughts about the four areas a bit further which I found easier than the video to comprehend.

Here is another clip from Dr. Ravi Zacharias that goes a bit more in depth about why Christianity is true. Essentially there are a number areas that prove the God of the Bible is real and true. This article also talks about the reasons ‘why’ the Christian religion based on the Bible is true whereas other’s are not.

However, regardless of how many things point to God and the Bible as being ‘true’, it really doesn’t matter because at the end of the day, it’s the individual person that has to accept these truths or reject them. This falls in line with the It Cannot Be Proven God Exists argument.

While there is certainly evidence and reason to believe in God, and to show that Christianity is true in comparison to other religions, at the end of the day it is still faith by some measure in God and the Bible. I’ve put my trust in God and have never looked back or thought I’ve made a mistake by doing so. My faith isn’t blind, I’ve personally experienced God’s love and hand on my life, I’ve seen Him work in the lives of others around me, and I know He will continue to do so. Christianity isn’t just another ‘religion’, it’s not about following rules or getting into heaven or being a ‘good’ person, it is a life altering commitment to truth and a God that loves us.



3 thoughts on “What makes Christianity the true or right religion?”

  1. I am confused on this article. To me, why would God not accept all people, regardless of religion, if they live a life of love and caring. I am sure that Jews have a right to feel they are the one true religion, since Jesus was a Jew. Muslims worship their one true God, very much the same we do. Why would God not love them as much as He loves us? I have found that some of the worst people on earth are Christian. I am a Christian because I believe in the teachings of Christ. He taught us to love one another and to love God. It is because of the many controversies surrounding Christianity that “people” have become angry with the Church. It seems as though those people forget that the Church is not those bad “people”, but the Church is all “people” and that because of our free will some of those “people” turn bad due to their failure to turn away from evil. I believe all who live a life of love will be saved, regardless of your religion or lack there of. I find it difficult to believe that my God would turn any soul away from eternal life with Him because of a religious belief.

    1. Hi Mike, thank you for commenting.

      I think you bring up a number of excellent points on this subject and it’s certainly a complex and interesting one.

      God’s Word has a fair bit about this subject as well and several passages come to mind immediately. The first being Romans 2:14, where Paul talks about the ‘Gentiles who do not have the law, but by nature do the things of the law…’ it seems to indicate that it’s the heart that matters, not what ‘religion’ you call yourself or claim to subscribe too. Other verses like Matthew 7:21-23 talk about ‘Christians’ that do not know God, so I’d certainly say that just claiming to be a ‘Christian’ doesn’t make you one by any stretch, nor does going to a church on Sunday, or any other words that people might speak or acts they may perform… It is what is in our heart.

      Now on the flip side of that coin though, the Bible does say very clearly that salvation is through no other than Jesus Christ (Acts 4:12). So the argument can easily be made that as an example, a Muslim person praying to Muhammad (who was just a man) and/or Allah (who is not God) for salvation will not receive it. There are numerous passages and themes throughout God’s word regarding false teachings, false religions, false doctrines, etc. with clear and specific warnings and instructions to avoid and reject those things.

      I believe as with many things, it isn’t especially relevant what we ‘claim’ to believe in or say we have faith in or whatnot, but more likely the condition of our heart before God and whether we choose to accept or reject Him. I believe we will be judged on what we know and how we choose to respond, not on what we don’t know or didn’t have a chance to respond too. So, a person brought up in the Muslim religion just as an example again, who never really had any exposure to Christianity and lived their life and died will not be judged the same as a person who grew up with the knowledge of Christ and God’s Word and choose to reject God. While BOTH didn’t ‘accept’ Jesus I think there are a lot of differences that God takes into account, and as such it comes down to where our heart’s are and how we choose to live our lives with the knowledge and experience we have.

      Now in the same way though, just as another example; a person brought up in the Hindu religion who IS exposed to Jesus and God’s Word and recognizes the righteousness of God but chooses to reject it and continue in what they are comfortable with and have been raised in is going to again be judged differently, even if they are a ‘good’ person (whatever that entails). Now, that might sound harsh, but keep in mind, it’s quite clear according to God’s Word that ‘good’ works are not what will accomplish our salvation (the idea that doing good ‘things’ can get us into heaven is a theme that is very prevalent in many religions and doctrines, such as Islam, Catholicism, etc.). The ONLY hope we have is through Christ, and accepting that and giving our lives to Christ will PRODUCE ‘good’ works, but it isn’t those works that make us righteous. Most religions have it the other way around which is a very interesting aspect of the Christian walk I find.

      One section that I think is relevant to this topic as well is Acts 18:24-26, in which Apollos is found teaching and preaching the way of God and refuting the Pharisee’s doctrine, and two Christian’s ‘take him aside and explain the way of God more accurately…’. So, Apollos was walking in what he KNEW, doing what was right EVEN though he didn’t have a more full picture or better understanding of Christ. I don’t believe that God would have judged him in what he didn’t know prior to that, but AFTER he was instructed about the baptism of the spirit as an example, if he were to just have continued in his ministry ignoring that truth, I believe he would certainly have been judged by God for that.

      We all start out as little children in God and develop from there. I don’t expect the same things from my 4 month old as I do from me 4 year old, and if I did I would be considered a very bad parent by any standards. How much more just and graceful is God towards us in our development?

      Matthew 24:40 talks about two people being on earth and ‘one will be taken and the other left.’ It’s not unreasonable to think (based on the other passages of scripture on these topics) that BOTH people believed they were going to Heaven. So, I don’t think there is any way we will know for sure whether the person next to us is going to be in Heaven or not. It’s only God that knows our hearts and minds and only God who can rightly and justly judge each and every one of us, regardless of what we claim to believe, what religion or denomination we claim to be a part of, what ‘good’ things we do in our life, etc.

      I think all we can do is humbly ask for God’s patience and grace and request His guidance and that He reveal His truth and paths for us and to give us the strength and boldness to walk in those things. One thing God’s Word is quite clear on (I believe anyway) is that God’s children are the ones who do His will. Not the ones who claim to do His will, or who call themselves Christian, or who attend a service on Sunday.

      One thing I also believe, is that anyone, be they Hindu, Islamic/Muslim, homosexual, racist, prone to violence/anger, Christian, Catholic, addicted to drugs/alcohol, JW, etc., if they are GENUINELY seeking God, God will reveal Himself to them and lead them into His righteousness if they will follow, and that to me is very comforting.

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